The Importance of Unicorns and Why We Offer a Unicorn Collection at Pride Clothes
Have you scrolled through the list of collections we offer here at Pride Clothes? If so, you may have grown curious about our unicorn collection.
It is entirely possible for an ally to have never heard of unicorns in this context. They likely do not see how this creature relates to the LGBTQ+ community. Even those who identify as LGBTQ+ may not have never noticed unicorns being used as a mascot for the community.
Unicorns are uniquely meaningful to LGBTQ+ individuals. That is why it is impossible to land on a single reason why unicorns have become LGBTQ+ icons.
You can benefit from learning about the relationship between unicorns and the LGBTQ+ community, no matter who you are. After reading this you might even want to jump on board and grab a fun unicorn item for yourself.
The connection between unicorns and rainbows makes them a perfect LGBTQ+ symbol and mascot.
Rainbows have been a part of the LGBTQ+ community for years. Most people have seen the classic pride flag or rainbow flag that became popular in 1978. Today there is also a progressive pride rainbow flag that includes the trans pride colors pink, light blue, and white. This flag also has black and brown stripes for marginalized LGBTQ+ communities of color. Many pride clothes include a rainbow somewhere in the design as well.
The relationship between rainbows and the LGBTQ+ community is already well-known, but the unicorn being a mascot might be new to you. Depictions of unicorns often include a rainbow. Some even have rainbow-colored features, such as long luscious rainbow manes. This connection between unicorns and rainbows has led them to become the perfect symbol for the LGBTQ+ community.
Using the image of a unicorn is one way to celebrate pride. The additions of unicorns became a reality around 2018 when LGBTQ+ people started to incorporate the being into their pride celebrations. Some people wear unicorn horns to events instead of flying a rainbow flag at pride festivals. Others decide to go all out and use both. Some young LGBTQ+ people even find comfort in adorable plush unicorns.

Unicorns and LGBTQ+ people are both beautifully unique.
One word that comes to mind when describing unicorns is the word unique. Some are super colorful, while others have more subtle color patterns. They also come in all shapes and sizes. This speaks to the truth of those who identify under the LGBTQ+ umbrella. There is a large number of gender identities and sexualities, including asexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, transgender, and many more. While some LGBTQ+ individuals share identities, none of these people are the same.
Many people outside of the LGBTQ+ community believe the stereotypes associated with these individuals. Some of these stereotypes are harmful. In a perfect world, everyone would understand that we are all different and more than our sexualities and genders, but right now that is not the case. LGBTQ+ people have distinctive personalities, desires, hopes, and dreams.
Just like unicorns, LGBTQ+ people can be many things. That is one thing that makes unicorns the perfect mascot. There is also the fact that unicorns are one of a kind. Many of those who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community grew up feeling as if they were alone. They did not think there were others out there like them.
Unicorns are easy to identify with because they stand alone in their uniqueness. Some people on the outside even view them as bizarre. For many LGBTQ+ people, it is easy to relate to unicorns in this way.
Unicorns are fluid, just like gender and sexuality.
There are horses, and there are extravagant unicorns. Some unicorns have simple looks and lean closer to looking like a horse, while other unicorns use every color in the rainbow and may even be sparkly. Every unicorn lands somewhere on this spectrum.
A spectrum of 'unicorness' and this idea of fluidity is similar to gender and sexuality. Gender and sexuality can be fluid, and both exist on a spectrum. We all fall somewhere different on these spectrums. For some people, this changes over time.
Those outside of the community often struggle to wrap their heads around this idea of sexual fluidity. An example of sexual fluidity is someone identifying as gay at one point and then later on in life identifying as bisexual. For some people, this fluidity is a part of who they are, and it affects them daily.
Gender fluidity is its own thing, and it falls under the transgender and non-binary umbrella. Someone may have a gender identity or gender expression one day and a different one the next. Gender fluidity can allow people to explore parts of themselves that they would not be able to otherwise.

Using unicorns as an LGBTQ+ mascot allows people to be extra bold when celebrating themselves.
Unicorns are majestic, and it is nearly impossible to hide them. They are what they are. That is true for LGBTQ+ individuals as well. Some people mistakenly believe there are ways to make everyone straight, but this conversion is impossible. You can not turn a unicorn into a horse, and you can not make someone stop loving who they love or being who they are. LGBTQ+ people are who they are, and there is no changing their identities.
Many LGBTQ+ individuals choose to rock the unicorn because it is so bold. Unicorns can be a powerful way for the LGBTQ+ community to embrace who they are and shout it from the rooftops. Unicorns are different, and they stand out. Unicorns bring a sense of freedom, and people love their uniqueness. LGBTQ+ people deserve to have this freedom as well.
There is no denying that unicorns are beautiful. They are soft and come in gorgeous colors. Unicorns are fun to look at when you want to. This relates to how LGBTQ+ people are often viewed by others. Those who identify as LGBTQ+ are supposed to be fun and happy all of the time. They are fetishized and expected to be the life of the party. They are fun to look at or hire for events, but people do not want to step up and help them when it counts.
The mythical aspect of unicorns is another reason they make such a great mascot.
Everyone wants to dream, and embracing the unicorn lets us do that. Using the unicorn as a mascot is also symbolic of how LGBTQ+ people feel. Unicorns are mythical beings. They exist in fairytales, books, and movies. Even though they are not real, unicorns still play a role in culture. The same goes for mermaids, fairies, and other mythical creatures.
Just as unicorns are not a part of our world, the LGBTQ+ community is often invalidated. They are made to feel as though their sexualities and gender identities do not exist. The LGBTQ+ community often goes unheard. They are hidden away, and some are even forced to stay in the closet out of fear for their safety. LGBTQ+ people are often invalidated and made to believe their struggles and desires are not real.
Asexual, bisexual, and pansexual people have to go through life constantly being told that their sexualities are not valid. Even some people within the LGBTQ+ community doubt the existence of these sexualities. That makes the mythical unicorn that much more relatable, plus it gives asexual, bisexual, and pansexual people some of their power back.
There is value in knowing that the word unicorn has a past that not everyone in the LGBTQ+ community loves.
Unicorns are magical, mythical, and rare creatures. The term unicorn has been used to refer to people who match these traits. It has been used to define a gay man who is seemingly perfect. It has also been used to refer to a bisexual person that is willing to participate in sexual activities with a straight couple.
There is something called unicorn hunting that swinger couples and those within the polyamorous community are likely familiar with. For the most part, this practice is viewed as unethical. It is predatory, and the unicorn is often mistreated.
Because of these other things associated with the term, some people are not big fans of using a unicorn as a symbol for the LGBTQ community. If you look at this discussion on Quora, you will find mixed opinions. Some believe the term was popularized by straight people and find it offensive, while others are proud to embrace the majestic unicorn as their mascot.
If you are not a big fan of unicorns, the LGBTQ+ community has other mascots that might be a better fit.
Although the unicorn is special, there will always be a handful of other options. For example, the butterfly is a perfect mascot for the trans community. They can transform from caterpillars into stunning butterflies which says a lot about becoming who we are supposed to be.
If you are looking for another queer mascot, look no further. In recent years, another animal has hopped into the picture. Frogs have gained popularity and quickly grown into a fun LGBTQ+ mascot. Today, these amphibians carry a whole new meaning.
The reason for this new mascot goes back to an Alex Jones rant about water turning frogs gay. The rant quickly became a remix and a meme. The community took this and made it their own as they so often do.
Frogs have been a part of media and culture for years. You have likely scrolled past a frog meme or two. But these days, frogs are a part of LGBTQ+ culture as well. Part of this culture is a side of TikTok that brings lesbians and frogs together.
As the saying goes, you can’t tell by looking at a frog how high he will jump. That saying relates to everyone who faces discrimination. As much as people may want to put everyone who identifies as LGBTQ+ into a single box, they can't. We are all unique, and that is a beautiful thing. Push through the barriers and keep going.
No matter who you are, there is a mascot out there that will align with you and your story. Like the unicorn, you have no choice but to keep being your majestic and beautiful self.